Friday, March 15, 2019

Lost 14 lbs with CICO since January, feeling like I've hit a wall mentallly and physically

After seeing myself in photos over the holidays I was really unhappy with how much weight I had put on. I was the heaviest I had ever been in my life, with the exception of when I was pregnant. I decided to make a big effort to get my weight down significantly and have been diligently using MyFitnessPal to track my calories. I worked really hard to keep to the daily calorie limits even if it meant making myself a separate dinner each night from the one I made for my family. I've managed to drop 14 lbs since I started, but I've currently been stuck around the same weight for weeks now. Additionally, we are facing a very stressful situation regarding my in-laws and my husband and I are both struggling to manage the stress while also keeping up with the demands of our already demanding lives. I have been having a much harder time fighting the cravings for sweets and snacks after the kids finally go to bed, and I'm sure that is why my weight loss has basically stalled. I feel like I am losing my motivation to keep going and every time I step on the scale now I ending up starting my day feeling discouraged and defeated. Yesterday I decided to go for a brief walk around my neighborhood after dinner and it felt great, but realistically only burned around 100 calories. I then totally negated that walk by eating a pb&j before bed. I would really appreciate any support or advice right now.

submitted by /u/AvramBelinsky
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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