Sunday, March 24, 2019

37/m struggling with re-gain

I'm tapping the keys today at ~350 lbs and 5'9". I've lost and gained weight numerous times and I'm frustrated. Last run was on keto for about 2 years and lost about 100 lbs but then gained it all back and then some. I'm sick and tired of being fat and I need a new plan. Up until now Ive been fortunate that my weight hasn't affected me severely in the physical sense. Now all of a sudden I feel like shit. I got bad sciatica and plantar fasciitis, knees hurt and I can really feel my lack of energy.

I know a lot (too much probably) about different diets and obviously have tried and failed enough that I question whether permanent weight loss is really possible for me. I'm considering whether I should get bariatric surgery or what.

People who have lost a ton but then kept it off for years.... How do you do it?

I feel like Keto worked great but in some ways just reinforced my bingeing on carbs when I fell off the wagon hard.

I feel like the whole thing has left me mentally f'ed up. I think about my weight all the time and feel like a total failure. I think my problem is I love food. I don't identify with people when they talk about emotional eating... I think I just like to eat. I don't need a reason.

I started tracking calories with an app and have lost a few pounds. Thinking about doing CICO as a solution but Im skeptical of myself.

Hope I'm not coming across as a whiny ass. People who've lost a ton of weight and regained like I did.... How did you lose it again and what did you do differently this time?

submitted by /u/bearybehr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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