Thursday, March 21, 2019

Feeling defeated after an ugly comment from a "friend"

Hey everyone! I've been a lurker for a very long time and recently started my personal journey of weight loss. I always told myself I would never get heavier than 200lb but suddenly found myself weighing 236lb and realized it was time to make a change. I've cut out soda and am eating much healthier as well as going to the gym in the mornings before work. I've lost 21 pounds over the last 2 months so I'm currently at 215lb and am super excited about that. I felt stronger, more confident, more energized, and I was feeling great. Until yesterday.

I was speaking with someone I was briefly romantically involved with but then realized we were much better friends and have been so for about 4 years. He told me he had been thinking of me earlier in the day and said the following:

"I was imagining you being skinny and naked and how sexy that would be"

I feel crushed. I immediately felt the self loathing and insecurities come rushing back. I had just put together a chipotle chicken quinoa bowl and couldn't bring myself to eat it. My alarm went off this morning but I never made it out of bed for the gym so then I was late to work and I have no focus today. What gets you guys through comments or setbacks like this? Any tips on how to get back into the right mentality? I have a date scheduled for tomorrow and right now I'm not sure I can go through with it.

submitted by /u/fullstormlace
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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