Tuesday, March 19, 2019

My Dexa Scan - 45 pounds lost CW: 283

Link to my My Scan Results All comments/questions welcome!

SW: 328, CW 283 6'2' M49


BF 34.5%

Fat Tissue: 97.5 lbs

Lean Tissue: 177 lbs

RMR: 2,068 cal/day

So there is company that has some truck that travel around to various gyms in the area and does Dexa scans. Its only $45. The tech doing the scan told me that most people who do the scan motivated by weight loss tend to wait 30 pounds before they do their first scan. I wish I had a scan at my peak, but this seems like a good baseline since I have much more to reach my goals. I am curious to see results over time. I expect I will do another scan around 40 additional pounds of weight loss. I see it a very effective tool for measuring other gains beyond weight loss.

I am also hoping this will help me set some final goal weights. My current GW is meant as an interim goal weight, but I think Body Fat % is a good way to come up with a reachable and final goal weight.

The scan itself took about 10 minutes. You lay flat on a table and the scanner is above you. It slowly scans down your body, it scans left to right and then moves down your body notch by notch until the scan is complete.

The company offers a free 15 minutes phone consultation as part of the scan, I will take them up on the offer, although I suspect at least some of those 15 minutes will be selling me something else.

submitted by /u/GotThisNow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2W4wtXs

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