Monday, March 11, 2019

Reminder: There is no shame in starting over after regressing.

Longtime lurker, first time poster.

Over the past two and a half years I've (36M) been on a weight loss journey. My starting weight was 306 lbs and my lowest was 248 lbs. Notice I said was, because my current weight is around 260. I'll talk about that in a second.

My journey began with me just being sick and tired of feeling terrible about myself and being out of breath all the time. And my profession is such that I'm in front of people speaking all the time. So I was always self-conscious about my weight and wondering what people were thinking about the fat guy on stage.

So one day I said enough is enough. I started counting my calories, making healthier food choices, and most importantly for me, I started the Couch to 5k program C25K INFO Week 1 Day 1, I could barely jog 60 seconds. It sucked, but it also felt great. Over the following months I ended up finishing the program and moving on from 5k to 10k. I was a running fool. And I dropped a ton of weight pretty quick - not quite 60 lbs. I found that my running made me want to eat healthier. And I found that the food I ate dramatically affected my runs.

And my peak I was jogging about an hour without stopping. An hour, WTF. I was a bit obsessed - so I cut back and just started jogging a few 5k's a week around my neighborhood or on a treadmill.

But over the past few months I've regressed significantly and have gained a bit of weight, 12 lbs. I've stopped counting calories and running has become less frequent.

One of the most difficult things I've had to do has been to admit to myself that I am not where I was a few months back, and that's OK.

Because if you're anything like me, those type of thoughts become the reason why I wouldn't exercise. It's depressing to realize that I've lost ground. That I've gained weight. That I can't run as far. And to start back up would be to remind myself of that fact every time I step on the scale or am out of breath after a few minutes of jogging.

But last week I said screw it. I started C25K back up. Yes, I'm had start back on Week 3. No, I can't run a 5k right now. Yes, I'm fatter and running is more difficult. But if I let that because the excuse as to why I won't run now, that would be the ultimate failure.

Anyway, I'm writing to remind myself and perhaps encourage you if you've regressed. Don't let that be the reason that you don't start from where you're at and continue on the journey.

submitted by /u/Poowhistlehs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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