Monday, March 4, 2019

Running with LoseIt - 3/4/2019 - Running while Obese

This is a weekly post for the Runners of LoseIt. Runners of all levels are welcome here. Someone who is thinking about starting running can post questions or ask advice. Another planning to run a 50K ultra can share their training and prep. Everything in-between related to running is welcome here.

This thread is mostly about sharing what you did last week, what you plan to do going forward, and getting advice or support. Finish a week of C25K? Planning to start? Post away.

In addition to update, victory, and questions, I also ramble on about something or another, this week...

Running While Obese

I've been obese for the three years I've been running. I dipped very briefly into a sub-30 BMI but I did not stay there more than a few weeks. As a result, I've been running my 2500+ miles while at a BMI over 30.

Here's some of the things that has helped me.


I generally am not worried about speed. I tend to work to build and maintain endurance. My main goals with running are --.

1) Being able to run for a 60 minute workout. Not only running for an hour but recover from it to run again the next day.

2) I really enjoy long runs, 7.5-10 miles. 90-120 minutes. I like working on this long form endurance and enjoy that weekly run to push up how long I can keep going.

Intervals: Building Up Slowly

I waited until I was at the end of my weight loss until I started actually running. I could have started sooner but I honestly did not even think of running until I threw it in to my exercise mix on a whim.

While losing from 355lbs to a low of 218lbs, I mostly walked as exercise. I did some intense treadmill incline stuff. Some elliptical. Some cycling. A little strength work with an all-in-one cable machine. Mostly it was just steps. I walked so much I think it accounted for close to 20% of my weight loss.

I did not strength train for long. It made me hungry and worked against me eating at a deficit.

I ran more than a few minutes for the first time around 225lbs. It was horrible, horrible, terrible, the worst. So, I did it again.

I used intervals like C25K to build up my running. 2 minutes of running, recover, 2 more, recover, 1 more. Each session I added another minute or two somehow. Once I could do 10 minutes straight I concentrated on the long first interval, then did 1-2 shorter duration runs to follow. I built up to a 20 minute straight run in about 4 weeks. A little faster than C25K. I got to 30-35 minutes in about 6 weeks. I did this mostly outside, very little treadmill. At that point I started to have knee discomfort.

Adding in Cross Training kept me running

I stopped running when I hit a 30-35 minute run. More less finished C25K and felt injured.

I just so happened to start doing strength training at this time. With running not working out, I filled the tine by starting up free weights and StrongLifts 5x5.

This proved to a fix to my knee issues. I noticed that my knee was sore from various hard hikes and even elliptical sessions. I was just more body aware.

But as I worked on my squats, deadlifts my legs strengthened over all. I worked out imbalances I had developed by being sedentary and sitting too much for a few decades. In particular deadlifts woke up my hips, hamstring, and glutes.

After about 3 months of strength work I ramped up running again and felt better. To assist both running and strength work I stretch regularly (10-15 minutes most days) . Particularly my quads, hip flexors, IT band, and lower back. I work a stretch session into each of my strength workouts and then do couch stretch, hip flexor stretches regularly (mostly on my train ride into work and/or post run).

Endurance over Speed

I still got injured. I ran a 10K fast.

I had been pushing my speed and endurance during my first year running. I was kicking out a 9 minute stand alone mile. I did a sub-60 minute 10K (9:39/mile). I built up endurance to run a hilly 2:18 half marathon.

I had my first 10K of the year and hit it running fast. It was rolling terrain. A good mile of it was on stone covered crappy road. Then some steep hills, coming out of those into the flat end I cranked it up. Well, the roadway was severely crowned. I ran two miles hard, with my left leg 6-7" lower than my right. As I came to an aid station my right glute cramped hard. I had never felt anything like that ever. It got very tight and fought me the last 2 slow slogging miles. I crossed the finish line and immediately started hobbling.

I had chosen speed over safety. When I hit that crowned pavement I should have slowed down. The result, hip adductor (groin) strain/tear and four months of no running.

Going Forward

After that I resolved that I liked running so much I wasn't going to risk injury. I took the focus off speed and resolved to log regular miles at an easy pace.

I still do hills and long 3-5% grade treadmill sessions. Oregon is hilly. I also do fast finish runs. Do 45 minutes easy then ramp up the speed at the end to run harder while tired. Trains me to suck it up on those hard race days.

Good Shoes

I run in good comfy running shoes that fit me great. I replace then regularly, at about 400-600 miles.

I have plantar issues from before I ran. They crop up from time to time. I run using SuperFeet blue insoles. These things are not cheap, but they last longer than running shoes. The blue is enough support for me. While using them I've never had an issue. Unfortunately, I convinced myself I didn't need them anymore... and within a few months my plantar tendon was sore all the time.

Running Attire

As a 230lb 6' guy, the key thing I need are good boxer briefs. They need to stay put so I buy form fitting but not tight stuff. Non-cotton is best for anything over an hour. Everything else I wear is cheap and comfy. C9 stuff from the clearance rack at Target. Old Navy Active on sale/clearance. Base layer stuff from Costco. I rarely am running in more than $30 of clothes.

I do own a great pair of Phenom Nike 3/4 Running pants. Purchased from the employee store off the clearance rack. $48, originally $120. They just aren't necessary. I enjoy running in my $4 Old Navy 7" Inseam Shorts just as much.

Chafe Relief

I use Gold Bond Friction Defense. Stuff is roll on and cheap. Does not stain. Works through torrents of sweat for hours. Mainly for my nipples, but I put also where my heart rate chest strap runs over my ribs and any spot on my thighs or waist that might be getting rubbed at the time.

Weekly Check-in

How is your week going? Getting your miles/kms in? Did you just finish a week if C25K? Just do your first run? Training for a race? Let us know!

submitted by /u/cmxguru
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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