Sunday, March 17, 2019

[SV/NSV] I'm officially half way to my goal. 40 down, 40 more.

I started my weight loss regimen on January 2nd of this year. Not as a New Year's Resolution, but because of something that my friend said to me the day before.

He's a bit taller than me, about 6' 4", but was about the same weight, 265. We were both away at school and didn't get to see each other much, so to my surprise, he had lost 40lbs since August. He looked great.

I was a pretty good weight in high school due to playing sports but I definitely hit the freshman 15 and it didn't stop there. I had been telling myself that I was going to start losing weight for about a year and a half. I had starting eating better occasionally only fall back into bad eating habits within a couple weeks or even a couple days. I went to the gym pretty consistently but then I wouldn't go for months. My weight stayed the same.

They say the hardest part is starting and that was definitely true. I'm actually surprised that I was able to start after telling myself on Jan 1st, "I'll start tomorrow". Whenever I had told myself that in the past, I never started.

I downloaded MyFitnessPal. I started logging every single calorie to the best of my ability. I started out pretty rough and realized that I was eating well above my maintenance calories for that weight. I changed my eating after just 2 days and haven't gone back. I started out going to the gym but then I had a small back injury(unrelated to lifting), so I haven't been able to go for about a month. But my doctor said I could start going again next week(YAY!)

This all sounds great and all, people reading this who haven't started their weight loss yet might see this me as a person who hasn't run into any main problems. That couldn't be further from the truth. My diet isn't perfect by any means, I've been injured, I have cravings, I have bad days of eating, and I haven't always felt the best. But I haven't failed. I've been keeping myself going by keeping one quote in my head from silent film actress Mary Pickford. "Failing is not falling down, it's staying down."

I have fallen many times in these past 75 days. But I'm not going to let these falls stop me like I had let them previously.

My biggest advice to anyone using MFP, remember that your goal calories are set as weight loss deficit. If you have it set to lose 1 lb per week, that's a 500 calorie deficit per day. If you eat 100 calories over your goal weight for a specific day, YOU ARE STILL LOSING WEIGHT. Instead of losing 1 lb that week, you lose .97 lbs. I'd still call that 1 lb. You didn't fail because you ate more than your goal on one day. One day doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things unless you eat 5000 calories in a single day, which I have done previously before I started.

I've still got a lot of goals that I'm working towards. I'm only halfway to my goal but I've never been more motivated. So here's to another 40 more pounds. My friend that I mentioned earlier, we're currently looking for a sprint triathlon to register for that is nearby. I want to take my shirt off during the summer and not be embarrassed by my body. I haven't seen the physical progress I would want by now, but the numbers on the scale don't lie. My body will catch up eventually.

When I hit my goal weight, I'll be posting before and after pictures.

submitted by /u/neregekaj
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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