Sunday, March 17, 2019

What I've learned in the beginning of my weight loss journey. [sw] 240 [cw] 220 [gw] 160

I've been trying to lose weight since the beginning of the year and have already started seeing results. For what seems like the first time in my life my diet is clicking and I'm being consistent about my dietary choices. I actually feel like i can stick with this new lifestyle and persevere until i reach my goal. I'm just hoping I can share my experience and help motivate others to do the same.

  1. Weight loss starts in the kitchen, not the gym.

I have done zero exercise and lost weight. Thats right, zero exercise. I hurt my leg and have been on crutches for 6 of the 10 weeks I've been trying to lose weight, so I'm actually more sedentary than before i started my weight loss journey. Weight loss really is as simple as calories in calories out, so don't feel defeated if exercise isn't your thing or you have anxiety about going to the gym.

  1. Its what you eat, not how much.

Before i started working on my weight i would eat out 2, sometimes 3, meals a day and snack on junk food constantly. I stopped eating out and started cooking frozen foods at home to start, but i wasn't eating "healthy food by any means". This lifestyle change naturally lead to me eating less calorie dense food which stimulates weight loss and eventually lead to me eating smaller portions as well.

I recently started trying to eat a whole food diet(vegetables, fruit, meat, dairy, and whole grains) and found that healthy food is more filling. You get less calories by volume so your body feels physically fuller which will help you eat less overall.

  1. You don't have to know how to cook to eat healthy.

My go to foods are frozen fruits and vegies as they have a long shelf life. Microwaving vegies is quick, easy, cheap, and tasty. Frozen meals and burritos can also be an easy low effort low calorie meal replacement. I barely use an oven, so don't feel like you can't lose weight since you aren't a gourmet chef.

  1. The cravings will go away.

After eating mostly veggies and meat for a few weeks i no longer miss processed food or sugary snacks. Ive started to actually enjoy the taste of veggies and appreciate a good salad bar. My relationship with food has already changed in this short period of time. If i need to snack fresh veggies, fruit, or some popcorn usually do the trick. I actually prefer them over a bag of chips or pint of ice cream now.

  1. Its not about the battle, its about the war.

You will cheat on your diet, and that's fine. Don't beat yourself up or quit over a bad day. Just make sure you make better choices tomorrow. Weight loss is a lifestyle change, but that doesnt mean you should deny yourself certain foods or avoid going out to eat completely. Weight loss is about habit and if you consistantly make good choices and eatright most of the time you will persevere.

  1. Appreciate the little things.

Eventually our pants might start to feel looser or you'll find that you are using a tighter notch on your belt. Your shirts start fitting a little better and maybe you can almost fit into that shirt you used to love. Change is gradual, you won't look like a movie star overnight, but take note of the progress you are making to reinforce the lifestyle changes you are making.

Soon you'll find yourself debating over whether or not you should buy new close now or wait until you've lost more weight since things are going so well.

No matter where you are in your weight loss journey, or how well its going, remember to keep moving forward. You will get there eventually if you stick to your guns and don't let the past control your future!

Good luck and keep on trucking everyone.

submitted by /u/nathan1942
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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