Monday, March 18, 2019

Wedding next year - tips on where to start to aid weight loss

Yes I am getting married but this is not the only reason I want to lose weight but it has provided a deadline.

I’ve wanted to lose weight for the best part of 5 years but I have struggled with motivation despite hating my body, the way I look etc. I do not enjoy the gym and due to an Achilles injury I picked up playing football (soccer to you US guys) running/ team sport, whilst this is my preference, makes this type of activity difficult. I used to love the gym but find to motivate myself to go coz god damn - when did it get so hard?! Lastly, I am an emotional eater - I am aware of it and trying to make changes but it’s a habit of a lifetime so i underestimated how difficult it is to change the way I view food (without getting too restrictive which I have in the past).

For context, I am looking to go down at least 2 dress sizes and preferably around 20 kg by the end of the year/start of next year. Is this doable?

So many of you have done so well but I dunno where to start. Am I trying to change too many things at once? Any advice or tips on how much exercise to do and how regularly? Also any tips on how to combat my stress eating would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/PinkUnicorn003
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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