Thursday, March 7, 2019

What to say (or not say) when trying to help motivate an obese person to lose weight.

*TLDR at the bottom of the post.

Hello everyone, I have a serious question for those who have been or are currently considered overweight/obese. I have a very dear friend who has struggled for years with emotional/binge eating. She has been considered in the "obese" category for years and is always starting a new type of diet. She would maybe lose 15-20 pounds at a time but always ends up gaining it back and then some. She has about 125 pounds to lose in order to have what is considered a "normal" BMI.

I have always done my best to support whichever diet or exercise plan she has tried in the past. She usually does great for a couple of weeks but then always falls off the wagon. I’m a runner and I threw out the idea to her that we should train for a half marathon together and I would help her. She thought about it and tomorrow we are officially registering to complete a half marathon together this fall (this will be her very first). I plan on going at whatever pace is comfortable for her either walking or running.

I really really want for her to be successful with this, and I want to be able to support her as best as I can. But, I understand that in my position as her "skinny friend" I may not always be able to sympathize with her regarding the struggles she faces when it comes to health and weight loss.

My question is for those who are currently or who have been considered obese before... what can a person like me say or do to help support and encourage her so that she can feel empowered and capable of making the necessary changes in her life to reach her goals? What comments or actions from others have helped you in the past? Also, what comments or actions that might have been well-intentioned actually ended up being more harmful to you and your progress?

I understand the primary responsibility lies with her, but I just want to be prepared to be able to help her with the challenges that will come up.

TLDR: Obese friend is training for her first half marathon to try to lose weight. What can I say or do to help support her in her weightloss journey? What should I definitely avoid?

submitted by /u/iminvisible101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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