Thursday, December 19, 2019

Can you give me some real talk? Some motivation?

35F, 5'5, SW 178 (a few weeks pp), CW 159, GW 138(?)

First time Reddit poster, been lurking here a while. I think I'm supposed to apologise for mobile formatting? ;)

I've plateaued for a few months and I'm tired of it and have lost motivation. I don't eat particularly well and I've become quite sedentary lately. I stopped logging calories. I think the reason I've been pretty successful at maintaining my current weight is that I've been doing 16:8 IF for about a month now. I think I naturally eat less with that timing even though I'm not logging. I like that eating during a restricted window is simpler. I don't have to deal with as much food prep, which, you'll see below, I'm not really into.

I am in a slump. I'm trying to get a job after being off work over a year after the birth of my third child. I'm at a point where I have no desire to cook. I feel at a loss for trying to serve healthy yet tasty dinners to my family and don't even want to try any more. I'm starting to consider meal delivery service, or some type of chef who can cook a week's worth of meals ahead of time that I can reheat. Even those options don't feel great: expensive and you're basically eating leftovers. But at least I wouldn't have to cook. I don't even feel like eating out, it's so overpriced for what you get. I feel like I live off snacking right now. I don't have the mental energy to devote to cooking between the kids and the job search. I wish someone could solve this for me.

I used to love walking (used to get at LEAST 10k steps a day, if not much more) and even came to enjoy running this summer. Now with winter, I don't want to be outside much, and no, I don't have a gym membership although I do like lifting weights and have done so on and off for years.

I want to lose 2 lbs a week every week until I hit 138. I'm tired of being this weight. I've been roughly this weight for 6 years, or higher, with the pregnancies. And other than a few years of adulthood, always struggled with weight. I want my weight loss to be over and done with. Forever. I know maintenance will still take effort but I am tired of feeling like a failure for being overweight this much of my life.

I am also wary of eating too little. I have a history of trying to eat too little then falling off the wagon spectacularly, and for too long. My husband has seen what I've gone thru for the last 18 years of dealing with my weight and doesn't think I should be aiming for really anything below, say 1700 calories a day.

As you can see, my current mood, behavior, and history with dieting don't line up with my stated goal. I don't want to do shit and feel like I have a bad history with dieting, yet I want to lose 2 lbs a week for 10 weeks straight. I feel so stuck. Can I get some real talk here? Any advice?

submitted by /u/Pale-Artichoke
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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