Friday, December 6, 2019

Help! Why won't my stomach pooch go away?

So, I'm 5'5" F21 and 118-122lbs depending on the day. I've lost about 30 pounds since january (hooray!) through CICO/portion control, but I have a stomach pooch that refuses to leave. I'm actually super happy with my body right now (I never thought I would say that), but my pooch is still keeping me self-conscious. I'm not comfortable wearing bikinis or form fitting dresses because of it even though the rest of my body is pretty toned. I'm just really confused at this point because I thought that it would be gone at this point in my weight loss journey. Like my bmi is at about 20, but I swear my stomach looks exactly the same since I was 10lbs heavier. I have a sister that's been pretty supportive of me, and I've asked her honestly about what she thought. Even she said that she was surprised that I still had a such a prominent lower belly since the rest of me is so skinny. It's just really strange and I need help figuring out what to do. Any advice?

submitted by /u/hyeonmibeans
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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