Sunday, December 22, 2019

Just starting to use MyFitnessPal but I’m confused...

Hey all, so just looking for some suggestions. I’m 31 now. When I was 16 I was 475lbs. Sure poor lifestyle is a huge reason but I was also on megadoses of oral corticosteroids for most of my childhood and teenage years. When I was 16 I finally got to quit taking them. No longer being on the steroids, my whole body including my appetite changed. I was suddenly no longer hungry at all. So I all but stopped eating for about 6 months and dropped about 200lbs. I got down to about 260lbs before I began getting extremely weak and sickly and had to start eating again. I know I know, its horrible for you, but what is done is done. I went back up to about 300lbs and finally stabilized. That was almost 14 years ago now...

In the 14 years since, I have VERY gradually lost another 25-30lbs but my appetite never recovered entirely. Granted I have not had a very active lifestyle but I have often joked since that I am the worlds largest anorexic. I have averaged about one meal per day or so, but could easily just forget to eat if life got busy and go 2-3 days without eating anything.

A couple months ago, I began exercising 60-90 minutes per day, 5-6 days per week of resistance training and cardio. It’s been going great! I feel wonderful. I actually enjoy it. I never expected the physical exertion to give me such mental clarity. That being said, I haven’t changed my diet at all yet except for adding protein powder and creatine supplements after my workout.

So I just downloaded MyFitnessPal to start tracking my calories and exercise. However at my current weight (282lbs - the creatine supplement has made me bulk up a bit) this app says my daily calorie goal is 3160 calories! Right now, I’m stuffed to my throat and I’m at 1846 calories for the day!

I’m not starving myself. I’m literally eating whatever I want to eat, whenever I want to eat it. My energy level is good. Is this going to be a problem for me later?

The thing that is different for me this time is I don’t really care how much I weight. My goal this time isn’t to lose weight per se. My goal is to incorporate exercise into my daily life and feel better. Get healthier. Eventually, get FUCKING JACKED! The weight loss I imagine will just be a byproduct of that. Has anyone else ever been in a similar situation? Any advice or road bumps or warnings you can tell me to watch for?

TL;DR: Used to be 475lbs. Lost 200+ 14 years by not eating. Appetite never recovered. Now I’m still big but don’t eat much. Been working out but appetite is still low. Is this going to be a problem?

submitted by /u/TacomaHome
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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