Monday, December 16, 2019

Losing weight with my (5'5"/230lbs) husband (6'4"/290lbs) is proving harder than I thought.

It's no secret than CIS men and women's bodies work differently, especially during a weigh loss journey. My husband and I have nearly a foot height difference, our metabolisms are night and day, and our portions and calorie intake needs to lose weight are comically different.

I'm so proud of him for his weight loss, don't get me wrong! I just wish I could see some similar results. I've lost six pounds in the last month, while he has lost well over 20 for simple things like cutting our soda and eating less fast food. My nutritionist says this is normal, and that I'm losing weight in a healthy way: I'm exercising right (30 minutes of rowing on weekdays), eating right (counting calories and macros), sleeping right (eight hours like clockword), etc. but it's hard to keep up the good behavior when he can blow off his workouts, sneak fast food and still lost more weight than I could hope for.

FYI, He's super supportive and encouraging of my weight loss, but it's a lot easier for me to cheat with ice cream or a larger portion if that's what he's doing. When I see the effort I'm putting in vs his, it's discouraging. It's like hanging out with a smoker who could quit any time they wanted to, while you're trying to quit for the 20th time.

Anyway, I would appreciate some advice and/or tips for success from other couples (CIS or otherwise!) who've gone through their weight loss journey together.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/ariesberries
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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