Sunday, December 15, 2019

My butt hurts after significant weight loss??

Please tell me I’m not alone in this. 😂

I’ve recently lost a little over 60lbs (yay!), and I’ve noticed a lot of new things since I reached this point in my weight loss.. including the fact that now my dang butt hurts!

Not all the time clearly but typically after I’d been sitting on it for a while. It’s also not a severe pain, more so just noticeably uncomfortable. I work a desk job as well as drive 90+ minute commutes to and fro most days so my bum is constantly being sat on. When I was overweight I never had a true issue with my bottom hurting after long periods of sitting, not once. Now I’m literally having to shift weight from one cheek to the other whenever I have to sit for more than an hour at a time. Definitely encourages me to stand up for more hours in the day which is good of course.

But now I’m thinking with all that cushion no longer supporting my butt, has it made it more vulnerable to pain after sitting for a significant amount of time? Has anyone else who has gone through weight loss noticed this? If so, is it something that your new bod just adjusts to eventually or will I be having to jump from cheek to cheek from here on out?? Any advice or shared experiences is much appreciated!

submitted by /u/itchytastyfriend
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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