Thursday, December 19, 2019

my success and tips for weight loss

hiya loseit. i’m new here but i’m not here to lose any weight. more like to help people out and well try to keep people away from the horribly stupid myths.

so to start off i’m a 16M and at 15 years old i weighed 204 pounds and now i’m at 132-134 pounds (weight loooooves fluctuating because of water). basically i discovered the calorie counting approach to losing weight and i decided i need to stop slowly killing myself and stop getting stares from teachers and classmates whenever heart diseases would be brought up in biology class. so to begin with i started off with consuming going for a net of 1600 calories. i’d eat maybe to 1900-2000 and then go on the treadmill for an hour. i threw out fizzy drinks and avoided snacks. i was losing weight at a rate of 3-4 kilos a month. i weighed everything and counted everything. i’d estimate for the foods and didn’t know and google it basically. i tried myfitnesspal but i was too lazy to log the food so i always kept it logged in my own memory. i later decreases the calories to 1400 and then even 1200 (dont DONT do this. it was torture and i’d get really really hungry. if you find yourself plateauing. amp up the exercise but at the very very minimum eat at least 1800 calories a day. i still stuck with it because i was veeeery determined. i ended up increasing the calories to 1500 towards the end tho. people started complimenting me and they were super surprised. i hit my goal weight in june and i’ve successfully kept it off. now i’m gonna give some advice from my side

  1. don’t be afraid to indulge. you simply CANNOT just go from a lifestyle of eating ice cream and cakes yadda yadda to eating fresh greens and only healthy foods everyday. it doesn’t make sense. it’s like a skinny dude saying, “ok i’m starting the gym tomorrow and i’m gonna bench 200 kilos and deadlift 500”. you’ll most likely fail HARD unless you’re special and are incredibly determined. i still had ice cream, maybe biscuits here and there but i never went over my daily calories that i set for myself. these foods won’t make you fat unless you have too many calories. that doesn’t mean you should only eat like 1500 calories of junk to lose weight cuz they’re pretty shit in terms of nutrients. be sure to satisfy your cravings or expect a big binge later down the line that you’ll regret a lot. you have to make small changes over time down the road. you hear that oatmeal is healthy but you don’t like the taste? opt for something else or add a little whipped cream or brown sugar just so you can eat it. over time you can make better and healthier choices like switching out the sugar for fresh fruit or something

  2. don’t go to extreme with the calories. never go for anything like 500 a day unless you’re very very stupid then by all means go for it (i’m kidding. DONT DO IT). take this into consideration. 1200 calories is ONLY for morbidly obese individuals monitored by a doctor in desperate cases. it’s the minimum amount of calories with which you can get a sufficient amount of nutrients to be healthy

  3. be patient. it takes time. take progress pics every month or so and look back at them. i didn’t do that and i didn’t notice much visually because the process is gradual but everyone around me started noticing that i was losing weight

  4. eat whenever you want. timing doesn’t matter. it’s all about calories in vs calories out. eating carbs at night does NOT make you fat and anyone who says that does not have a clue what they’re saying. it’s so damn stupid. i remember fasting and having a big enjoyable meal loaded with carbs right before bed (because of cravings). i did this for a whole month and i still lost a few kgs mind you

  5. download a pedometer app or buy a pedometer or whatever and count your steps. i’d advise hitting like 6000-10000 steps daily. this can help tons if you feel like the weight loss in plateauing.

  6. you’re not dieting. dieting is short term. you should be focused on a lifestyle change. you should focus on a lifestyle you enjoy. if eating healthy 100% of the time isn’t your thing to whatever then don’t do it. you need to maintain your hard work while enjoying yourself. i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. indulge and satisfy your cravings. if you can help it, satisfying your sweet tooth with something healthier like a homemade smoothie bowl or something. when you’re done losing weight you need to maintain that or add 300-500 calories coupled with heavy weightlifting if you’re looking to lean bulk and build muscle after the weight loss. after a year of going at it, i hit my goal and i can more or less eyeball the calories. basically you’ll learn to decently estimate a foods calories just by looking at it. this is obviously handy when you can’t find the info anywhere such as when you’re at a family dinner or something.

  7. incorporate some form of resistance training while losing weight. losing ‘weight’ shouldn’t be your mindset. it should be ‘losing fat’. if you don’t do heavy resistance training then you WILL lose a lot of muscle. personally a mistake i made is that i didn’t do any resistance training and i have cheerio wrists now (i’m still a lot happier now tho i promise :) ) doing heavy resistance training will help minimise muscle loss

  8. try a high protein diet. not only is it good for retaining muscle while losing weight (again i say ‘weight’ but your goal should be ‘fat’). your body finds to more difficult to digest protein. basically there’s this thing called the Thermic Effect of Food. 20-30% of the calories you consume from protein are used up in digesting it and 1g of protein equals 4 calories so you get a rough idea of what eating 100 grams of protein a day would do. a gram of fat is 9 calories and the TEF of fat is 0-5%. a gram of carbs is 4 calories as well and the TEF is 5-15%. a high protein diet will help the number on the scale go down

  9. don’t believe those miracle foods and drinks. there are NO fat burner supplements, there are no slimming drinks and whatnot. green tea won’t magically help you lose weight, caffeine will barely help you burn any more calories (it’s absolutely tiny), apple cider vinegar is just sooo overrated. people have a spoons of that daily and it’s just nasty. sure things like green tea and apple cider vinegar may be healthy but it’s not a miracle worker

  10. if you find your meals not too satisfying ie they’re not big enough, i recommend intermittent fasting and upping the portion of your other meals a bit to make them more satisfying (don’t go over your daily caloric goal tho). if you find yourself lazy or lethargic while doing it then fasting is NOT for you. personally it’s not for me because i like eating more frequently and when i tried it i binged and ended up restricting myself later on because of it

  11. have a little heart. if you binge once or twice it’s ok. if it’s your birthday then eat and enjoy yourself. don’t be afraid. you gotta enjoy life too ya know. when i was still trying to lose weight, i went with my friends to celebrate and do stuff like for an all you can eat pizza deal. we competed and i ended up with 9 slices of pizza which was one of the highest numbers. it didn’t make me fat all of a sudden. once a month or something won’t do anything to you. when exams were over, i went all out, i had 2 ice creams, (large ones). a bunch of chocolates. a lot of cereal aside from the normal food. you can’t resist yourself when it’s time to PARTAAAAAAY. just be sure to get back on track. if you end up gaining like 10 pounds the next day, it’s basically all gonna be water weight because it’s impossible to gain fat that quickly. your progress didn’t go in the dumpster. i promise it’ll be gone in 1 or 2 weeks max. maybe even 3 days. just so you know i did the pizza thing with friends and prolly had over 3000 calories that day and i ended up dropping 2 kilos in that month either way.

anyways that’s all i can think of rn. good luck lads

submitted by /u/PRAISE_THE_SON
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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