Monday, December 9, 2019

people who are not overweight and their eating habits

hey everyone,

so for many years, and until recently when I started counting calories, I always said something like "the majority of thin people are thin bc of their metabolism and not bc they eat so healthy or work out so much". I know big pile of bullshit.

but I used to say this bc I had been eating healthy since 2017 september and lost a bunch of weight then my weight loss completly stopped bc there wasn't deficit anymore and I didn't have the time/energy but honestly mainly the will to look into the issue. which fortunately changed since november 13th. I know it's not a long time but my mindset changed a lot.

so since I have been counting calories and being mindful of nutrition I also discovered a few new habits such as that I don't eat until I'm stuffed just until my hunger is sated. if I'm a little bit hungry I can wait between meals until the right time. and while I don't succeed all the time I try my best not to emotional eat.

but there are still people who can eat as much as they want and won't gain any fat/weight. and I wonder how many thin people are like this? are the majority of thin people have a much more portion controlled relationship with food?

and I'm not talking about thin people who are into fitness or healthy eating, just your average person. someone who is thin but doesn't necessarily exclude fattening foods like pizza from their diet, someone who lives a sedentary life style bc they have an office job. so like the absolute average person you can imagine.

so yeah. this is my question;

are the majority of thin people have a much more portion controlled relationship with food? or the majority of thin people actually have fast metabolism?

submitted by /u/raindampened
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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