Friday, December 20, 2019

Started IF on 11/9/19 >> today: down 15.3lbs and close to 240s! — Stats: 30F, 5’10” - SW 266 // CW 250.7 // GW 160-170

Stats: 30F 5’10” — SW 266 // CW 250.7 // GW 160-170

I’ve struggled with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome: hormonal disorder more women are having to deal with these days), I used to binge and purge and was super depressed in my early 20s after college. I had lost about 60 pounds the summer after graduation but over the years, after recovery, I gained all that back and more.

I turned 30 this summer, got engaged and suddenly wanted to start a family by 32. My OBGYN says because of my PCOS I would need some form of fertility treatment as I do not ovulate AT ALL. After reading tons of forums and blogs about women who have been able to conquer their PCOS and conceive, I’ve started to take on those changes. The biggest one being weight loss as a way to begin to manage PCOS

With IF (16:8) I’ve eliminated sugars, coffee and most inflammatory foods. I still eat carbs but with more portion control and drink tons of water. I try to stick around 1200 calories a day, I don’t really track because I’m too lazy and work 10 hour days as a nanny for an infant who’s a terrible napper so it’s really hard to squeeze in the time. I haven’t I corporates workouts yet since the end of the year has been nuts, but today is my last day of work for the year and then vacation until Jan 6th!! I plan on starting Kayla Itsines’ Sweat App BBG workouts and also doing Barre and Pilates (which I used to love when I was most active) on my Mirror device.

So thankful for this community and the amount of encouraging posts that have led me to make this healthier lifestyle change!!

submitted by /u/jeantropbleu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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