Sunday, December 1, 2019

SV! Lowest weight since I was a teenager thanks to this amazing community! (SW:200lbs/CW:180lbs/GW:150lbs) FtM, 5'5, 24

First ever Reddit post apologies for any formatting I'm on mobile etc and learning the ropes. Apologies if this gets long I just really needed to get it off my chest.

So to start with I've never been particularly skinny but was a healthy weight throughout most of my teens due to unhealthy eating disorder issues. These habits were deeply ingrained and whilst I managed to stop my bulimia habits I was left with a very addictive and unhealthy relationship with food which I relied on for emotional support when I was stressed.

Once I moved away to uni and could eat what I wanted I slowly gained weight due to stress/anxiety/depression issues which culminated in a suicide attempt before I came out as a trans man. My highest weight after my last year at uni was around 200lbs and I couldn't even look at any photos taken of me from my degree show without feeling extreme embarrassment. Any attempt to lose weight would mean starving myself for a few days then binge eating. It was a bad cycle and made me feel like losing weight was impossible.

After I left uni I was lucky enough to move into a beautiful house with my boyfriend and started my own business which was also incredibly stressful with long hours where I would buy takeout for convenience. I stayed around 200lbs for the next year and came to despise everything about my body, I tried to surround myself with body positivity and self love content but it never hit right. My body made my unhappy, it was limiting my confidence to the point that I was avoiding going out the house due to feeling embarrassment at my size. It didn't feel like self love to let myself stay at this size forever and put my health at risk.

Eventually enough was enough and I'd been hearing about the keto diet and after a year in the new house was finally in a healthy enough mental state to start this journey. I joined a few weight loss communities on Reddit and became super inspired by all your stories, successes, support and honestly.

After 60 days of Keto, CICO, OMAD/IF and light lifting I've lost 20lbs and feel absolutely incredible. I know it's only 20lbs but clothes fit better (some are even loose now!) I have so much more energy and feel stronger, I don't crave sugar and carbs anymore, I've learnt so much about nutrition and cooking, my confidence has improved and I've felt much more comfortable leaving the house and being more social. I don't even know how to explain this but I just feel healthier on the inside and it feels fantastic. This is the first time I've ever successfully lost weight as an adult as I thought it was simply impossible for me to achieve before.

Keto has been the key to my success so far as I don't want to kick myself out of ketosis. It helped me control my cravings at first as sneaky carb snacks didn't feel enjoyable anymore as I was damaging my keto diet and now I'm at a point where I don't even have these cravings anymore. I've also had so much fun learning to cook and bake delicious keto recipes.

I stick to around 1200 calories a day without beating myself up if it wavers up to maintenance calories occasionally. I use most of this calorie allowance for healthy homecooked low carb dinners with the occasional later snack. I don't consume anything during the day apart from a morning coffee and plenty of water.

I stay under 30g of carbs most days with my goal being around 20g of carbs a day.

I'm now incredibly excited to start my medical transition soon and can't wait to hopefully one day post a great before and after of my progress from obese woman to a fit man. And even though I'm still learning everyday it feels amazing to already be on this journey. I plan to build more muscle once I lose the fat and start taking testosterone.

I've been lurking on here this entire time and wanted to thank the community for all the positivity and inspiring content. I'm cheering us all on!

Thanks for reading - it feels great to finally have something to share here.

submitted by /u/opulentdesigns
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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