Thursday, December 5, 2019

Tips to make treadmill workouts more pleasant

I picked up running as a hobby earlier this year to complement my weight loss, and with inclement winter weather, in order to maintain my progress and endurance, I’ve switched to running inside on a treadmill sometimes. It was an adjustment from trail running outside, so I thought I’d share my personal tips I found to make it easier, in case it helps any other new runners out there experiencing the same thing.

  • Run slower. This was the biggest stumbling block for me. A lot of people find they can’t run as fast on the treadmill, due to the mental aspect as well as physical stride differences, and that’s okay. It’s a lot easier to run longer and remain consistent with workouts when it’s comfortable. Don’t feel bad about going slower than you think you “should”. You’ll probably be even faster when you do run outside again.

  • Mix it up. Instead of only running at a steady pace, add in jog/sprint or run/walk speed intervals, incline intervals, whatever.

  • Break it up. Run a portion, then take a break to cross-train with weights, other cardio machines, or stretching, and repeat. I find that just taking a walking break is also great, since after a few minutes I’m eager to run again.

  • Motivate yourself with music. I have a few songs that give me sort of an adrenaline rush and take me away from the tedium, so I saved those in a playlist to choose from when I need a boost.

  • Run at an incline. Putting the treadmill on the very slightest incline can feel more pleasant and be easier on your knees/toes.

  • Tune into your body. When you hit the point you think you can’t keep going, first check in with how your legs feel? How is your breathing? I’ve noticed that when I do that, I often realize that I feel perfectly fine physically, which lets me know it’s all in my head and I CAN keep running. (At the same time, the treadmill can also be hard on your body, so if something doesn’t feel right, then stop.)

  • Change up the goal metric. For example, if you usually run a certain number of miles/kilos, try shooting for a certain number of minutes without worrying about speed or distance, or see how long you can keep running at a certain pace.

  • Finally, go run outside anyway, whenever you possibly can!

submitted by /u/Tigertigerishungry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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