Sunday, December 15, 2019

Undecided: Continue weight loss eating at a deficit, or maintain and focus on recomp?

Some data first: 23F, 5'5", SW 205lbs, CW 185lbs, (rough and subject to change) GW 150lbs. Estimated ~30% body fat based on the variety of results I get from different algorithms that use body measurements. Current sedentary TDEE ~1900 calories, usually not eating back calories from exercise (about an hour each of weightlifting and cardio 4-6 days a week). Using CICO and tracking macros, trying to get ~100g protein every day (not always successful, but at least 20% of my everyday diet is protein).

I started tracking calories in late October this year, shooting for 1200 to 1400 each day. After I started working out heavily I bumped this to 1400 to 1600 and started focusing on protein intake. Weight loss has (understandably) slowed since I started weightlifting, but I'm still clearly losing fat and the number on the scale is still slowly decreasing. I'm visually leaner than I was a few months ago, but I still have a good deal of fat to lose. My jawline is still hiding, collarbones not yet visible, and I estimate I'm carrying around an extra 20-30 pounds of fat in my midsection and upper back / chest area.

Since I've been eating at a deficit for eight weeks now, I plan to eat at maintenance while traveling for a couple of weeks during the holidays to give my body a break. I'm currently trying to decide whether it would be more effective for me to go back to the deficit and my current exercise routine when I return home, or if I should maintain and focus on recomposition for a while. The weightlifting is making me stronger, but I'm not sure I'm building much muscle mass while eating at a deficit. On the other hand, I don't know (not having tried it before) if I will continue to lose fat if I eat at maintenance.

I'm still new to this and don't really have a coach or trainer I can consult for advice, so I thought I'd pose the question to you all and see what your thoughts were. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/blue_arrow_comment
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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