Monday, December 23, 2019

Weight loss after relapse from binge eating disorder

Hello there. I have been struggling to lose weight from my very bad BED relapse for the past few months, but to no avail. I've stopped binging for around 2 months now, and I've been eating normal and healthy meal portions daily (3 regular meals per day, no snacks, little to zero sugar, lots of fibre and protein). I've always been exercising consistently, so I haven't exactly made much changes to my fitness routine. But since it's now the holiday season, I've been making an attempt to hit the gym more often, or go for fitness classes together with my sister (such as spinning, boxing, yoga, etc.).

However, my weight has stayed the same for about 2 months now... It seems like the weight I've gained this time round (from binging) is stubborn and refuses to go )': Also, it's not like I can fit back into my old clothes, so it makes me even more depressed. I seem to be doing everything right, and most importantly, I'm not binging anymore. But the changes are taking so long to come and I'm really afraid I will be stuck in this weight and ugly body (and mind) forever. This is my highest weight ever, and it's really been so depressing. I just can't wait to go back to my weight pre-relapse, which was literally half a year ago. I'm so angry and ashamed that just within half a year of binging, my whole life has been turned upside down...

Is anyone facing the same situation as me? I've considered going back to intermittent fasting (16:8), but that was the sole reason why I had my really bad relapse this time round. I underate for a long period of time, and although I managed to lose a lot of weight and seemingly felt "happier" in my new body, I didn't know that I was depriving and restricting my body so much, which led to full-on unstoppable binging for about 2 months when I was very stressed out. )":

I really don't know what to do now, I still feel major social anxiety when I'm out of the house, because I feel terrible in whatever I'm wearing and my subconsciousness keeps telling me that I need to lose weight ASAP, and I have lost all confidence in myself (when I didn't have much to begin with)...

submitted by /u/nekokaeru
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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