Monday, March 9, 2020

Advice for staying motivated when losing weight for aesthetic reasons only?

I'm a female, 5'8" 165ish lbs

I'm really struggling with staying motivated with weight loss. My weight has fluctuated a lot in my life. In my adult life I've been as light as 135 (very disordered eating at this time, binging, purging, restricting) and as heavy as 195 (very bad period of depression and simultaneously working at a fast food restaurant where the cooks loved me and gave me food any time I wanted for free)

165 is very easy to maintain for me, it's what I naturally dropped down to after taking steps to improve my mental health and stopped working in the restaurant and I've been here for most of the last 2 years or so.

I enjoy being active and eating healthy food. I meal prep all of my meals, and they're all centered around protein and veggies with some complex carbs and healthy fats. I go jogging on my lunches (I get an hour lunch and only spend about 15 mins eating), stretch and walk around often at work, go hiking regularly and lift weights every other day.

My main problem is that 1. I love sweets and I will eat them to the point that I feel sick if I let myself. And 2. I really dislike the feeling of being "not full" so I graze constantly, especially when I'm home after work.

I know I can overcome these things, I've done it before many times. I can force myself to get comfortable with the "not full" feeling and wait until I'm truly hungry to eat. I can also not let myself eat sweets for 2 weeks until my cravings tend to drop off. But days, weeks or months later I find myself rationalizing, "I'd be so much happier if I just let myself do what I want to do"

It's hard because with any other goal or new habit, what I rely on when it gets hard is my reasons for doing it. With weight loss, it's tough because it's really only aesthetically motivated. I'm just barely in the category of overweight. I already feel good for the most part, no health issues at all. I have energy and as explained I'm decently active. I don't hate how I look, theres just some pudge that would be nice to lose. I'm just definitely happier with how I look when I'm around 145-150. But that's an easy reason to dismiss when I'm in the depths of an inner emotional tantrum over if I should drive to the store for a pint of ice cream.

It's on me to figure it out, and decide what I really want. Just looking for any kind of advice and experience you may have. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/whatisdinero
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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