Friday, May 1, 2020

Down 132lbs in almost 11 months! Only 8lb more to go!

It's been 11 months since I joined your ranks, and as of this morning, I am down 132lbs from 340lb to 208lb.

Originally, my goal was to hit that magic number of 200lb, but I'm not sure if I will stop there. I spend a good amount of time looking around at bulking/cutting cycle timelines, and I see a lot of people saying "Cut to 10%, bulk to 15%".

But in June of 2019, I decided that enough was enough. My body hurt all the time. I had issues breathing, sleeping, moving around, and almost worst of all... I had issues making love to my wife.

She would never admit it, but I can't imagine it was pleasurable. To have that much weight crushing down on you must have been miserable, and I'm sorry for the years of sub-par sex I've given her.


Things are looking better. We are much more physically active. She notices how much better I am feeling, and overall my life is just happier. I can play with my son on the ground without getting winded, and it's been amazing to actually be able to sleep, breath, and move without pain.

I've been following just CICO for the last 11 months. Starting at 340lb in June, I was doing 1,700kcal/day. In Oct, I kept the same intake, but started lifting. I keep this same regiment until about a month ago, when I dropped to 1,600kcal, as my BMR is dropping considerably, as I lose weight.

My current weight loss is 132lbs from June 15th of 2019 at 340lbs to today at 208lb.

I haven't worked out, as we just bought our first home, and all my weights are still in the garage. But I have been working on digging holes for a fence and overall, doing lots of projects that keep me moving.

I plan on doing a 5k in July, so I gotta start practicing running. So, that's the next dealie.

Thank you all so much for your support, and I cannot wait to see more updates from all of you. You've been a HUGE motivation for me, and I cannot thank you enough for the love you've shown me!

submitted by /u/Artist_X
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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