Saturday, May 2, 2020

Looking for motivation to diet- How to overcome telling yourself you do not want to diet?

Hello r/loseit, I am a long time lurker first time poster. I am 21M 5'10" 270 lbs

Back in 2015-16 I lost 70 pounds, and then slowly but surely gained it all back. Every time I have tried getting back on the diet grind since then, I will have a good week or two, lose some pounds, only to go right back to eating like shit again. I always tell myself I would rather eat like shit and be fat than eat super clean and be skinny. I am aware of all the benefits of weight loss, but each time I start dieting I remember how much dieting sucks and I know that ultimately I need to watch what I eat for the rest of my life or else the pounds will come right back as they did when I originally lost weight.

Do any of you struggle with this same dilemma? If so, how were you able to overcome it?

I am asking because I know if I don't permanently fix the way I eat, I will not be able to date the type of girls I want to date and end up with diabetes which will kill me prematurely. I feel as if I am addicted to bad food and I am trapped at my current weight.

submitted by /u/jpderbs27
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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