Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Lost 150lbs here’s what happened

 Hello everyone! I’m writing here even though I’ve already lost my weight, but I thought it’d be great to talk to people who have been through the same struggles as me, and maybe I can help some people along the way. I was actually a skinny kid until the first grade, which is when my dad went to jail and my mom fell into a struggle with addiction. From that point I feel I probably emotionally ate while also really only being fed fast food for long stretches of my childhood because it was cheap and fast for my mom to feed us. I was in the 300’s by late high school and I remember the heaviest I ever got was 340 lbs in 2016. I was able to stop gaining and the next few years I would always fluctuate from 300-330 In June 2019 a coworker I really looked up to, who I also thought was pretty attractive, showed me how they lost over 100 lbs and it made me realize someone who I thought was so attractive was in the same place as me at one point. Later that night I got high and randomly decided I was going to lose all the weight no if’s ands or but’s. This is the first time I told myself I WILL lose weight not that I was just gonna try to lose some weight From that point I started a low carb high protein diet which I shortly transitioned into a ketogenic diet about a month in. I also decided to try to run every day. Basically it started running around my block for an hour. At first I’d make goals of reaching a certain landmark before I’d stop running and everyday I was able to push farther until I could slowly jog for the hour continuously. What also helped me plenty was really educating myself on food, calories, macros, and basically healthy eating habits. YouTubers like Obese to Beast, Jordan Shrinks, and danygetsfit really helped me learn how others had lost weight and helped keep me motivated throughout the journey. I never actually tracked my calories throughout my whole journey but I would make mental calculations of the calories I was eating and would always overestimate the amount of calories I’d ate so it’s end with me having an even bigger caloric deficit than I needed sometimes. I started the diet a little over 321lbs in June and I reached 190 pretty much by early February. That’s 130 lbs in 8 months and I lost over 100 in the first 6 months. Looking back I did take things really fast and extreme and there were points I felt sick. I was fasting a lot of days sometimes almost over 48 hours. Some days when I would eat id barely reach 1400 calories and a typical day for me as 6’1 male was working a 10 hour shift and running 4 miles after work, so I clearly needed more calories. I bring up the fact that I did have some unhealthy patches in my weight loss to show that no one journey is going to be perfect. I DO NOT recommend trying the unhealthy things I did, but I will say that being extremely overweight is already unhealthy and honestly sometimes doing some more unhealthy things to lose the weight can still be an overall benefit in the long run, and honestly if I didn’t lose my weight as fast as I did I don’t know if I could of kept my strong motivation to continue loosing weight. Obviously it’s still unhealthy to an extent but I did really learn how to intuitively eat and now I have maintained my weight for 4 months and I have not followed any diet and I have eaten “junk” foods such as pizza and McDonalds. Now I just have the knowledge of how much I’m eating and how to plan my eating throughout the day. While I am very happy with my weight loss, I also wanted to mention how important it is to realize the mental changes that come with weight loss. I’ve grown up obese and my nickname since middle school has been shamu. When I lost the weight I really felt like I had lost my identity, and I also started to really suffer bad body dysmorphia. Some days while weighing 190 lbs id look in the mirror and see myself larger than I used to think I was when I was 340 lbs. i also have a large amount of loose skin, so this did now help with my self image and is something in stilll struggling with. I noticed people (especially females) started to change how they interacted with me and became way more friendly. At first this is nice but it made me sad realizing how so many people in my past were not nice to me just based on my previous weight. Luckily with time I’ve been able to slowly adjust and I am becoming more comfortable with myself everyday, it’s still a process and it’s kicked my ass but overall I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. if anyone relates, has any questions, or just wants to support don’t be shy that why I wrote this I guess. Thank you guys. 
submitted by /u/Shamooraps
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2TF6JSM

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