Thursday, September 17, 2020

Depressed and discouraged.

Hi reddit. I’m 32/f and at my highest weight ever — nearly 200 lbs at 5’2”. I feel absolutely awful.

I’ve never really tried to lose weight before and so I’m just not sure how to pick something and stick with it. I think I try to take on too much and then get overwhelmed and quit. When I try to do just one or two small things, like drinking more water or 20 mins a day of exercise, I don’t see any results and I just get discouraged and give up. So now I’m out of shape, at my highest-ever weight, and I just feel so stuck and confused and discouraged.

In June I tried Weight Watchers, and although I stayed within my points I didn’t lose much, maybe five pounds in like six weeks. I started tracking the actual calories of what I was eating rather than the points and realized I wasn’t in a calorie deficit. So I threw in the towel.

At the beginning of the pandemic I started walking every day and absolutely loved it, but after a month developed plantar fasciitis in my right foot. I have a pretty sedentary job too, so exercise is a challenge for me to begin with. I got a gazelle and committed to using it twenty minutes a day while I watched tv...and then my doctor basically laughed in my face and said it would t be effective for weight loss. So....I’m back to doing nothing.

It feels like everything I start I end up failing. I want to lose weight and feel better and I just feel so stuck and discouraged. How do I just find what works for me and how do I force myself to stick to it?????

submitted by /u/weightlossn00b
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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