Wednesday, September 9, 2020

For me, losing weight has turned into an entire re-think on how I take care of myself

Sorry if this is long, I just wanted to share this in case any of y'all can relate and/or need encouragement, commentary, etc.

For reference, I am 5'9" 23F, SW: 196 (that blood pressure tho) CW: 185 GW: 150s ish, wherever I look good in healthy BMI but is not a pain to maintain

Ok. So, before starting my journey, I think I was like most typical Americans. I got up in the morning, either skipped breakfast and/or made something that was super unhealthy but quick, and sped off to work. The rest of the day followed a similar tone: what can I doordash to my office that is quick and tasty for lunch? I'm in the south, so usually Chik-fil-A or girl, mama loves her some Cane's chicken! Dinner, luckily my husband loves to cook but he serves insane portion sizes, bless his heart. Forget working out, after all that food i didn't feel even close to working out or going for a walk.

Many of my other self care routines and/or choices followed that same tone that was routed in convenience. I straightened (see: torched at 450 degrees) my naturally super curly hair once a week because it was quick and easy and I could just straighten flyaways every other morning the rest of the week. My skincare consisted of washing my face with body soap at times, which I would never do now. And I wondered why my rosacea was so bad! My sleep schedule was whack.

In contrast: I cook most of my meals at home now and do CICO. I take the time to do lunch prepping. I still enjoy Cane's and my husband's cooking, but in measured out portions. I wake up a little early to put together a healthy breakfast as opposed to a quick one (and found they are not mutually exclusive). Even though I'm busy with work most of the time, I find time to workout because it is important and now it just feels like me time, and I like me time. I have found a new love for hiking on the weekends and checking out new parks around my area, so my horizons have been expanded in that sense. I have built new habits around sleep, like having a solid bed time, only using the bed for sleep, and journaling before bed to get time away from my phone and practice being mindful.

This has reshaped how I think about the other things I do for myself. I am in the process of transitioning back to my natural hair and taking the time to learn about hair products and embracing my curls, which has actually proved to be really fun. (PS, if you are a curly girl who straightens, no hate! It is whatever works for you! I'm sure it looks amazing!) Thanks to another subreddit, I am experimenting with skin products that make my skin look much healthier and feel a lot less irrate.

So, TLDR I can credit weight loss and practicing mindfulness with what I put into my body to doing so elsewhere in my self care rituals, instead of relying on convenience. It's almost like ok, I am improving this aspect of myself with success, what else can I improve? And trying to pull a major glow-up. Because time invested in yourself is time and love you can give back to others.

submitted by /u/123catmom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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