[M, 20, 5'11, 315lbs]
I have been overweight, and later obese, for all of my life. I wont go into the details, but Ive tried many times to finally "lose the weight." Now, I'd say 80% of those times it didn't last a day or two, but the other 20%, I was honestly on the track to success, but for some reason I just, stop. And Im not sure why.
I am at my peak weight, but have hovered around this figure for the past 5 years. In my best attempts, Ive gotten to around 285, but that's about it. I know how to go about it, and I know what it takes for Me to lose weight routine wise, but I don't know how to keep at it.
I decided to give weight loss another go the other day, due to my brother-in-law, whom I was very close with, dying to covid-19. The doctors said covid did a lot of damage, but his unhealthy lifestyle and obesedy is what drove the nail in the coffin. He had sleep apnea due to it (as do I, which makes it scarier), and that, coupled with a weakened immune system and pnuemonia brought on by covid, is what killed him. While he was about 15 years older than me, I don't want to go out like that. I don't want to catch some low deathrate illness, only for it to become extremely deadly due to my weight.
I also want to feel good. I want to be able to buy and wear fashinable clothes. Im tired of having to settle for uni-color Ts and an overshirt. Im tired of losing my breath trying to keep a moderate walking pace, and breaking a sweat from nothing.
My goal weight (which might be changed in the event that I do reach it), is 200lbs. I am currently about 315lbs. It might sound unrealistic, but I want to reach (at least within 10 lbs of) 200 by next July. About 10lbs a month give or take.
In my previous "successful" experiences, 10lbs a month is dead easy at the begining. In fact, with some effort I could probably do 15 or even 20. But, anyone who's been very large knows that those first pounds drop like nothing, it's the pounds past (personally for me) 290, that get a bit more difficult to drop. In my previous attempts, Ive always platued at 285 without fail, and that was me at, what I thought, was peak trying. Hitting the gym everyday, cardio out the ass, 1000 calories a day, great sleep schedule, the whole 9 yards. And it's that platue that always makes me give up. Too hard to maintain, and even harder to surpass.
Im not asking for the barebones "diet and exercise" advise, Im asking how to persevere through that platue, and future ones as well. I know the tricks, I know what it takes and how to go about it, I just want to know how to keep myself going when nothing seems to work, and maybe some advanced advice on how to break a platue fast to maintain my goal of 100lbs in 10 months. Thanks
[link] [comments]
from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3hYDjJe
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