Wednesday, September 9, 2020

My name is Anna. I've decided to lose weight. Part 2

Hi! My name is Anna. In previous post I've shared my experience with Ducan diet and received a lot of questions. I've decided to share more information about it and my current training program.

  • Initial weight - 74kg
  • Height - 174
  • My goal - 60kg.

Firstly, I sat on the Ducan diet. In a month I lost 6 kg (74kg-68kg). For the first ten days you eat nothing but protein. I'd have two poached eggs for breakfast, a packet of ham mid-morning, then lunch would be Quorn chicken fillets. For tea I'd have breast of chicken and some egg whites and dinner was more Quorn chicken or ham and some oat bran and yoghurt to keep my system flowing nicely.

During the second phase, you add non-starchy vegetables on alternative days.

Once you reach your true weight you can reintroduce fruit, starchy foods, cheese and bread and finally you can pretty much eat what you want, so long as you follow rules like having a protein-only day once a week and taking some exercises. After the diet, I was looking for a training app and chose thefreshflesh,com, weight loss challenge. I've chosen it because I work from home and do not have enough time for a gym. According to the training program, I've been doing basic exercises with 1 minute rest between sets, like squats, pushups, jumping jacks and etc. Everyday I have 6-10 exercises with 4-6 sets. It helps me to burn calories. In 2 weeks I lost 6kg (68kg-62kg).

Now, I have lots of new friends and started seeing a guy at work. That helped with my confidence. We're not together now but at least I know someone could find me attractive.

If you would like to know more about my experience, ask your questions in comments or write in dm.


submitted by /u/MintColumbia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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