Thursday, September 10, 2020


I've made progress! My start weight was 287, my goal is 160, my current is 270! My start date was July 20th, so in roughly 52 days I have lost 17 pounds. I know my loss hasn't been extravagant but I am proud of myself for sticking to it! I have been doing keto during this time, eating around 20 carbs a day. I haven't had any cheat days, (except for one slip up recently, I miscalculated carb amount and ate too many but I didn't let that set me back) While the weight hasn't been going down as fast as I would like I'm not going to let that discourage me. Throughout my life I have used events like birthdays as excuses to get off my diet, since starting this weight loss I have been through 5 different birthdays, including my own, and haven't made any excuses. If anyone that is reading this is thinking about starting a diet or having trouble sticking to it, let me tell you it is so worth it!! Even though I have only lost 17 pounds my clothes are fitting differently, things are bigger on me, life is already so much better after a small weight loss. Take this post as motivation to start now, from someone who's start date was always tomorrow, or Monday, or next month, or whenever isn't right now, do it now! Don't wait and become more and more disappointed with yourself when things don't work like magic. You didn't gain all the extra weight overnight, you can't lose it overnight.

submitted by /u/LosingWeight2003
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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