Thursday, September 10, 2020

[SV] I hit the 50lb mark today. 130 days ago I posted here for advise on how to use scales!

(Warning: this has turned into a monster post. But I’m over the moon and it just streamed out.)

Ok so I knew how they worked from a technical point, but I had no idea how to use them from a weight loss perspective. I downloaded the Happy Scale app, had a horrid first few days using them and then boom, somewhere in there was a moment of clarity from this very community that made me ignore the first few days of fluctuations, then the rest is (and will be dammit!) history.

I’m now down from 244 to 194 and apparently a healthy/medically acceptable weight for my height, age and lifestyle is 184lbs. So 184 (just 10lbs away!) is my target to reach before I make some final decisions on what my true goal is.

A few things I have discovered along the way....

It’s hard. Like real fucking hard. However, it’s getting to that “moment of clarity” that seemed to be the hard part. Once I had gained some momentum and was in full flow the felling of making health decisions almost outweighs the feeling of looking “normal” (in my eyes I was never normal, so that’s not a remark on what normal is, it’s just something I have to mentally get over).

Water is possibly the greatest thing/tool ever. Drink it, then drink some more of it. Honestly my skin is so much better now.

Sugar is the devil. Well, maybe not the devil but holy shit it makes you make some really, REALLY poor decisions. I had no idea how hooked on the stuff I was until I kicked it out of bed.

Balance. Get that fruit and veg in you. It’s delicious and it replaces naughty stuff really damn well. If you pile veg on you plate that means you can still have a couple of guilty pleasures - either beside the veggies that now dominate the plate therefore the guilty pleasure must now be smaller, or that Friday pizza night you want with your buddy, kid or SO can now take place because you absolutely knocked it out the park all week with your healthy balanced meals. Balance doesn’t mean “can’t have”, balance means..... well....... balance!

Moderation. I’m only human so sometimes I need a little something something. So I still have pizza, I still have that amazing combo of creamy/leek/cheesy/garlicy meals and also dive into desserts now and again. But I really think about it and think about the balance, and then I moderate. I can say hand on heart having one cookie (or whatever) is better than having five and feeling like shit afterward.

Take the rough with the smooth. Not to be obsessed with the scale and simply use it as a tool to fine tune the above. If I would have let the weight gain spikes stress me out I’d be back to square one. I weigh every day so I know the spike chill out and we’re back in the game 2 days (ish) later once my body has adjusted and flushed the crap and kept the calories I fear(d) so much.

Move more. My dog has never been fitter, but then again neither have I. Walking the pooch has even let me discover something I enjoy doing. Trail running. I hate running on a road, HATE IT, but get me on a trail in some woodland and I’m off. I’m actually becoming competent at it!

You do you. Don’t put a timeframe on this. I’ve failed at this for 20-odd years because this didn’t go the way I wanted it to inside two weeks. I’m a secret dieter (pretty much so people didn’t see me fail, and that I could fail with no consequence I guess), so you don’t have to pressure yourself to share it with the world. You might want to. Just do what you gotta do.

Take pics. Simple really. Contrast and compare absolutely made me excited, elated and determined to progress more. Also take a look over at r/progresspics for inspiration. Those guys are monumentally inspirational.

So that’s it from me. I can’t wait to shed the last 10lbs. I might even post a progress pic myself when I get there.

submitted by /u/stirlingcooperdraper
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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