Monday, September 21, 2020

The small victories are still victories

I’ve always been the “chunky friend.” (24/F) Regardless or social stigmas and “bikini body” bullshit, I wanted to feel better in my own skin for me. Not “skinny”, just healthy and not be winded every time I climbed the stairs.

Starting around February this year (about a month before the world imploded) I decided to do better. Bought a Fitbit, made myself accountable to coworkers and friends, the whole nine. Started at 202.4lbs and dropped to 194.2lbs and then stayed there for months. I was starting to get super discouraged last month, beating myself up for not doing enough, not caring enough, etc. But I did notice the whole time I was dropping pant sizes and my clothes were fitting much differently.

Guess who finally got under 190?! This gal. Clocked in at 187.9 this morning. Even those few pounds made me feel like a weight loss warrior. Nothing extreme or exciting, but it’s a big deal to me. Not done yet, but I refound my drive to keep going!!

submitted by /u/damnit_mahree
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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