Monday, September 14, 2020

Weekly Check-In #1: Today is the first day of my journey, and I'm excited.

You can see my post from last week here.

To sum it up, I'm very depressed and have had issues with food most of my life, and also with alcohol for as long as I've been drinking it. I really started packing on the pounds about two years ago when I experienced two traumatic events on the same day. I've been struggling this whole time and desperately want to change.

So, today is my first day of getting my weight under control and improving myself overall. I weighed myself this morning and came in at 160lbs. I know I have a long way to go to my old 118lbs, but I'm excited I'm finally taking some solid steps in the right direction to achieve it.

After weighing in this morning, I exercised (I do 50 reps with 7lb weights per arm, and 50 reps with 2lb ankle weights per leg). I'll be doing this three times a week. After I've lost enough weight that my knees aren't as strained, I might replace the leg exercises with a half mile jog three times a week. I love running and can't wait to be able to do it again without hurting.

I have myself at a 1,600 calorie per day goal right now. In the past, I've done 1,400 calories and, while the weight did come off fast, I found myself too stressed by this limit during the day and too hungry at the end of the day. I'm also trying to cook for myself more and eat less pre-packaged junk. I'm starting off with doing this once a week, and have already made a list for some ingredients which I'll be going on a nice walk tomorrow to get.

I won't be drinking alcohol for the next month. It's been one week since I drank, and my mind feels a bit clearer and my body doesn't feel as fatigued. I've done alcohol-free months in the past with good results, and I seem to lose weight a bit faster without it.

I also started CBT again today (specifically targeting perfectionism). I think one cause of my lack of motivation towards weight loss and overall betterment in the past has been caused by this. I'm scared of doing things wrong or experiencing setbacks so I don't want to do anything at all. I'll be doing one chapter out of the workbook every day, and I'm hoping I see results.

I'm happy I have a place to share my journey with you all. I said before I don't have a lot of support in real life which has definitely made things harder for me, so I'm honestly, truly thankful for this community. I'll keep checking in weekly to update you on my progress. I have a 4lb loss goal set to be reached by October 12th, so I hope to see myself at 159lbs by next Monday. See you then. :)

submitted by /u/GitFirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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