Monday, September 21, 2020

Worried the about the effects of my weight loss on friends

I have lost just over two stone so far this year, I started doing so just after I was with my friends for my birthday in February (we all live in different areas). I am feeling great and I’m liking how I look now, I recently just got into a healthy BMI range and I’m able to do all of my hobbies with much more ease and enjoyment. I’m planning on losing around another stone, although I’m starting to lose focus!

My main concern is the impact it will have on my friends. I’ve only seen them once since lockdown and I’d only lost a stone at that point and wore baggy clothes so I probably didn’t look all too different to the last time they saw me. Now I’m significantly slimmer and more comfortable wearing clothes that show of my figure.

All three of my friends have significant issues with their body and weight. One has a long history of anorexia, the other two are slightly larger and often talk about how they hate their bodies. We have conversations weekly about body image and related issues and it’s clear none of them are in a healthy place with it. I also think they’ve all put on a weight each and think I have as well. I’m worried that when I next see them, which likely might not be for a while now, how I look will trigger their eating disorders and become an issue in our friendship, especially seeing as I plan to lose more weight. I didn’t want to tell them at the start I was losing weight as I didn’t want to set myself up in case I failed.

Any advice on how to navigate this would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/felldiver
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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