Monday, December 21, 2020

23M / 5’9” / 294lbs and struggling to stand/walk. Anybody have appropriate weight loss and diet tips that can ease the pain on my lower back and legs?

Yeah, so as the title says, I’m a 5’9” 23(M) and I weigh 294lbs.

I’ve been fat pretty much all my life, but I feel the worse I’ve ever felt over the past 2-3 months and I now can’t ignore that my weight is negatively affecting my quality of living. My breathing is much heavier lately and I can’t walk more than 5 minutes (at most!) without my legs starting to protest in pain. I think the pain I feel sounds similar to claudication, which I’ve heard can occur more commonly in diabetics such as myself (although I imagine it’d primarily be the obesity that caused that). After 10 minutes? Hell, it feels like my entire back is seizing up. I get this immense pressure placed on my lower back even when just standing up, a kind of tightness that feels like my spine’ll snap if I don’t sit down soon. The pain recedes when I lay down, but immediately comes back after a few minutes of standing.

I avoid going out with my friends now because I’m embarrassed that I can’t keep up with the average walking pace. When I do have to walk to a supermarket or something similar, I make sure I go alone so I can take regular breaks. I have to sit down every 3-5 minutes or so depending on the terrain. I live in a very uphill city so sometimes a 30-second walk is enough to warrant a rest if the road is steep.

Is this a case of I just have to suck it up and try to walk the pain off? I know I need to lose weight, I guess part of me just worries that I’m going to make the pain worse. I believe swimming is recommended for obese people as it’s a low-impact exercise, but I’m super self conscious about my body so I wouldn’t know how to muster the courage to get in a public swimming pool.

Any help and general advice would be appreciated here, or even just a recount of your own experience that could relate to mine somehow. Cheers!

TL;DR - i am fat. hurts to stand and walk. got any general diet/weight loss tips?

submitted by /u/HipHopHumbug
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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