Saturday, December 19, 2020

Now that my weight loss is beginning to become apparent and noticeable to classmates, I’ve noticed that a lot of them have been more willing to actively communicate with me. Have any of you experienced similar?

The weight loss thus far has been incredibly good for my self-esteem and social confidence, I’ll admit. I’m sure it is for most people, I’m still overweight, though now that my physical appearance is beginning to show some significant changes, I’ve noticed that a lot of classmates have been engaging in conversation with me and overall being more socially active with me as a result.

Now, I’m actually happy about this, believe it or not! I’m aware the title makes it seem as though I’m disappointed, but I’m not. Social interaction is now so much easier and enjoyable. I’ve even made a lotta’ new friends that I doubt would’ve considered me as a friend a few months ago.

But... I can’t help but feel a bit weird that all of this seems to happen during the period that my weight loss is beginning to become noticeable. I’m happy, just not sure if I should be. I find it a bit weird to think that these new friends would’ve completely rejected me because of my weight a while ago.

Just looking for some insight. :)

submitted by /u/Smolders1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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