Thursday, December 10, 2020

SV: Lost 40 pounds from HW (and still going strong!) NSV: I’ve lost INCHES around my body and gained some actual real self love for the first time ever.

F/28/5’4. SW/HW 225. CW 184.8. GW 150?

Started getting serious about losing in late May 2020. Didn’t take a single progress picture until July 2020. I wish I had taken one sooner!

Progress pic (NSFW): left picture is 12/5 (184.8), right picture is 7/16 (206.2).

Tape measurements: Since August, I have been recording tape measurements to record some additional info. This has been amazing progress to see, and is definitely way more motivating than my weight. 8/2020: Neck: 14.5. Thigh: 27. Arm: 13. Waist: 37.5. Hips: 44.5. Bellybutton: 40.5. 12/2020: Neck: 14. Thigh: 24. Arm: 12.5. Waist: 34.5. Hips: 41.5. Bellybutton: 36. FOUR AND A HALF INCHES AROUND MY TUMMY!!!! And it feels so good.

Exercise: I’ve been running 1-3 miles, 3 times/week. And I follow the minimalist bodyweight fitness routines 3 times/week. Fitness is definitely not the most important part of my weight loss, CICO is my main focus.

Food: I follow CICO without too much regard for macros. I need to be lenient with myself and kind of go with the flow or I end up binging from feeling too restricted. I’m on maintenance right now for a month (my reward for 40 pounds loss since starting) of 1800-1900. When cutting, I eat 1300-1450 depending on exercise schedule, mental health, etc.

Mental: I’ve been overweight/obese for nearly 2 decades. I’ve tried losing weight more times than I can ever count, and I’ve never been nearly this successful with any attempt. Taking my mental health more seriously, I believe, is the key to my success thus far. I’ve been in weekly CBT since February 2020 and I would not be here without my amazing therapist!

My wholly unsolicited advice... TAKE FREQUENT PROGRESS PICS!!! Especially at the beginning even if it doesn’t feel good to see them. It feels so good to see the changes after you’ve made them.

submitted by /u/mod-bogwitch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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