Saturday, January 2, 2021

Fascinating! It’s not willpower: it’s HABIT

hidden brain podcast “habits” episode

this was a crazy good thing to hear, lose it fam!!

in a nutshell: it’s not WILLPOWER that helps u change / succeed at weight loss & maintenance ... it’s developing new habits that then become unconscious behavior! So you don’t even have to think about it (as much).

Like driving a car - you’re not spending the entire trip thinking “I’m driving” - it’s more like going on in the background as you think about other things.

One excellent example was people who have developed a healthy habit now don’t even SEE the cake in the fridge - thus they don’t need any “willpower” to resist it. To them it is literally not there. Not an option.

When I discovered I was allergic to gluten, suddenly wheat products “disappeared” for me. I knew it would make me sick so I “stopped seeing them” around me. No longer willpower based but habit! And I have prepared a lot of bagels for my kids .... not tempting once. (Now, gluten free mac n cheese etc... is another story hahah)

It’s the building of the habit that is tough, but once you do it - it’s nearly like magic. (EDIT to say - not magic! But another tool in the toolbox) ❤️I have linked the podcast !!

submitted by /u/tomatowaits
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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