Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Parent’s Corner - Weekly Thread - January 20, 2021

Welcome back parents of r/loseit to the weekly Parent’s Corner thread! This is a place to talk about how kids can affect your weight loss every Wednesday. You can look for the thread every week by going to my profile if you don’t see it stickied.

This week I want to talk to you about something a lot of you have been bringing up, either in the comments or in your own standalone posts: eating off your children’s plates, aka seagulling (but please don’t Google this, the Internet happens). Is this something that you do? If so, what is the thinking behind it? It is reflex, fear of waste, something else? Let’s dissect it and see if we can problem solve and get some good strategies going for avoiding this behaviour. If you aren’t one of these people, please share your experience with us! What strategies do you use to keep your kids’ food out of your mouth?

I’ll get us started in the comments. Please read and respond to comments in this week’s thread as much as you can. Can’t wait to connect!

submitted by /u/inahatallday
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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