Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The number on the scales says I’ve achieved what I set out to... now what?

I started my weight loss journey in September at around 9 stone 10, and set out to lose a stone. For context, I am a 5 foot 0 woman in my 20s. My weight had been creeping up over the last few years and my BMI was in ‘overweight’ (though I do take that with a pinch of salt as the BMI calculator says I would be healthy below 7 stone which for me doesn’t make sense).

I digress. Through cutting down on alcohol, planning my meals more carefully, and exercise (including lots of walking) I weighed myself today and have lost a stone! Yay! My BMI is now at the upper end of healthy, which is progress of sorts. Except I don’t feel different, and I don’t look different. I feel like I set “lose one stone” as a clear target to get me feeling good again, and I just feel a little bit flat that this hasn’t happened.

I’ve taken progress pictures and can’t see a real difference between those. I’m oscillating between: - It’s so hard to see the difference in your own progress, it doesn’t mean it’s not there - But I’ve lost around 10% of my body weight, surely that should count for something - Maybe the scales are broken - What if I’m never happy? I need to be cautious

Has anybody else experienced this? I fully intend to keep going with the healthier eating and regular exercise (though I have had ENOUGH of hiit workouts and am switching to running for a bit of a change) but will I ever see a difference?

It’s possible that part of this is that due to lockdown I haven’t gotten dressed in nice clothes or gotten ready to go out since I started the weight loss. Maybe if I was doing that and wasn’t in the house 24/7 I would feel better and feel a difference.

submitted by /u/bludinosaur
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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