Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Weight Loss Advice for Newbie

Hi all, so I've been struggling with weight gain and loss for most of my life going through pretty extreme sinusoidal waves depending on the stress of school etc.

From middle school -> HS I was about 110lbs, 5'7 male. During my 4 years of undergrad this jumped to about 210 ATH (granted I lifted weights everyday as well for 2 years). Flashforward 2 years now and graduating grad school, I'm currently at 154lbs (still lift weights, started up again everyday).

My goal weight is about 140lbs, however, I've been plateaued here for pretty much days. Where I get excited eat a large meal, and go back to 156 then after a few days go back down to 154. I have not been able to break through this cursed limit.

My regime is pretty much gym / lifting everyday about an hour (because of COVID time limits at the gym). I then come home to eat a very large breakfast / lunch / dinner with intermittent fasting. I pace around and walk around a lot on campus to get some additional exercise and get about 7 hours of sleep on average.

My diet pretty much consists of a can of tomato basil soup, one medium sized tyson chicken tender that I air fry and 75% of my meals are just vegetables. I eat apple slices for sugar cravings etc about an apple a day. Somedays I switch to vegetable soup. Sometimes I throw in one buttermilk biscuit that I also airfry. Pretty much this is my diet 5.5/7 a week.

Sometimes I eat some cereal and skim milk. I drink about 1.5 cups of coffee mixed with black + skim milk and a little mocha a day.

By losing that much weight, I no longer get massive migraines every-time I eat high sodium foods, my blood pressure is normal, blood sugar, and BMI was around 26. My goal is lose to 13 more lbs, just trying to figure out how to get past this plateau. I do still have guilty pleasures like Halo top once a week, but those are about 330 calories a pint, and I eat about 1 a week. My calorie in take is typically around 1500 calories a day.

submitted by /u/Substantial_Ad8238
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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