Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Why does hair loss happen with weight loss?

It's obviously a complex question, but is it more to do with the speed, total amount lost overall, or nutrients/macros (protien?)/specific diets along the way?

But more importantly, is there a way to prevent it from happening?

I have done my own desktop research around this but I am keen to hear if anyone has any stories, tips, observations or learnings that worked for themselves anecdotally - to work in tandem with calorie deficit (which is a given)?

For instance, if you are getting all the nutrients you need day-to-day, and maintaining a rapid weight loss, is hair loss a given as your body is losing weight and it's taxing (stress/cortisol) on the body than say a slower speed?

submitted by /u/iskra099
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3s0pDmm

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