Friday, February 12, 2021

Artificial Sweeteners - Rant

I have recently lost 100 lbs over the course of a year to land in the dead middle of my recommended BMI for my height/sex/build and have been in maintenance mode since August 2020. Most of it was done with low carb and counting calories.

With that said I have struggled over the past couple of months to lose the weight I put on after a binge/cheat/holiday and I couldn't figure out why I wasn't seeing the losses I should. Previously I was able to lose the weight I put on after a binge/cheat/holiday weekend within a week as expected given the amount of calories I was eating. I counted calories during my 100 lb weight loss and it was pretty accurate given what the scale said versus my caloric deficit so I am confident in my ability to track my caloric deficit.

Finally it clicked on me, I am drinking 2-3x more artificial sweeteners than before due to the winter time causing me to drink more hot drinks. All of those hidden calories in 0 calorie sweeteners is insane thanks to dextrose and maltodextrin. It can be 4-10 calories per tsp/serving depending where I read.

During my weight loss, I was consuming about 20 servings of artificial sweetener a day (splenda packets) and now I am closer to 40-60 a day. Those hidden calories didn't hurt so much before but wow do they add up.

So today I am both cutting back on artificial sweeteners and ordered liquid sucralose that should be 0 calories with no hidden calories. And yes I know even 20 servings of sucralose a day is still bad but I can't give up everything.

I am also pissed to live in a country where this is legal. I was aware of the calories not being accurate on the label and generally was good at checking ingredients but for some reason Splenda slipped by me. My other one that pisses me off that I caught before buying was Sugar Free Coffee Mate, which first two ingredients are Water, Corn Syrup . That's right sugar free with the 2nd ingredient corn syrup. Got to love the USA.

TLDR: Most artificial sweeteners have hidden calories; if using powdered sweeteners make sure they don't contain dextrose/maltodextrin and if they do, switch to a form that doesn't.

submitted by /u/Lugnuts088
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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