Friday, February 5, 2021

From 150 lbs to 243 lbs and my journey back to 150 lbs (College Student)

Hello everyone, after lurking for a while I decided to start my own journey and would like some advice. I was always fit and played sports competitively. I had a bunch of college offers but I tore my acl senior year and all the D1 offers were gone. I do very well in school so decided to focus on that as I recover but I got depressed and being away at college, I lost track. I gained a lot of weight and I know I only have myself to blame. I always thought that'd never be me but what can I say it was. In a span of 1-2 years I went from 145 to 243 (I am 5'6).

When I went back home to visit and seen how my family reacted it really got to me. They were still nice but I can feel the judgement through their eyes, only one person in my family member didn't and I appreciate them for that. Nobody ever said anything besides the "what happened" question and left me alone but I felt embarrassed. I went back to college and then covid started and used that as an excuse not to visit. I am so focused now and so committed and want to get back to where I was as fast as possible at any cost.

Since I started this journey I have been up every single day between 4am and 5am and went to the gym. I am 20 days in and have lost 18 pounds, currently sitting at about 225. I started the diet by dropping my calories to 1,400 calories but I guess I'm getting greedy and more motivated. This week I have kept my calories at 1,000 and I continue to go to the gym daily. 4 days out of the week I lift weights for 45-60 minutes and end it with a 30-40 minute cardio session. 3 days of the week I just purely do cardio 60-70 minutes. I do incline walks on the treadmill at 3.0-3.2 speed and 5.0-7.0 incline for 30 minutes. I also do the elliptical for 30-40 minutes at a decent pace. The days I do weights I burn 300-350 calories doing cardio. The days I don't I burn 500-575 doing cardio. I eat pretty clean oatmeal, eggs, chicken breast, tuna, protein shakes, mixed veggies, almonds, sweet potatoes, rice(sometimes) and I also add sauces for taste/flavor. I also try to drink 1 gallon of water everyday.

I am worried that I will hit a plateau. 1,000 calories per day is going well for me. I genuinely feel great and I don't crave food that much. I eat in a span of 3 hours and fast the rest of the day. As time goes by I will increase my training and I already started eating 50% of my calories through protein. As I start training at an intense pace I will add 100-200 calories depending on how hard I train. I used the precession calculator which tells me how much I need to eat to lose at a certain time period. At my activity level it told me I should be eating 1016 calories per day to reach my goal. I am currently ahead of the "schedule" for the weight loss but I don't want to miss it. My goal is to be 150 pounds by July 15. What is your guy's honest opinion, I am so committed and focused and I will do everything I can to hit my goal. I am not worried about sustaining it because I know myself and I won't quit at any cost. I have never been more committed to something.

submitted by /u/iamatruebeast10
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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