Friday, February 19, 2021

How do you stay motivated if you've reached a normal weight and still look bad?

I've lost 90 something lbs since April but I'm even uglier than when I was obese (thanks to onsets of balding and acne) and still look fat (thanks to gyno), even with a shirt on. My stretch marks and loose skin are also abominable, I have a hard time viewing myself as a non-fat person because of them (the loose skin resembles fat rolls, especially when sitting down). I've been maintaining 135-140 lbs for a month now (5'8) but I can feel the urges to slip back into binge and unhealthy eating for comfort getting stronger by the day.

How do you stay disciplined to maintain when the weight loss doesn't feel like it was even worth it? I know it was good for my health but even at my highest weight (230ish) I never had any basic functions impeded by my weight nor diabetes or anything like that so that's not much of an immediate motivating factor for me. Really upset and conflicted about all of this.

submitted by /u/Metroidsamusrunner
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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