Friday, February 12, 2021

how to make sense of friend that doesn't believe the way you lost weight is "real" or "genuine"

As I've been losing weight (f30, 162cm, sw:90kg, cw:80kg, gw:70kg) one of my friends has been acting weird about my weight loss and I don't know how to make sense of the situation. My weight loss method has been soul searching (I laugh about it but investigating why I needed to comfort eat was a game changer for me)/ very mild CICO/ intuitive eating/ light exercise/ cutting out sugary drinks. It's taken me a year to lose 10kg, considering a pandemic has been going on I think I'm pacing myself just right. All the changes were gradual as I am trying to make meaningful changes to my lifestyle.

Aside from my partner (bless him) and now this subreddit - I don't really talk about this journey I've been on. It is for health reasons that I'm doing this and I find complements about the change in my figure quite disorienting because I liked how I looked before too. When my friend recently asked me about my weight loss, I was happy to share details of my journey. And yes, I'm calling it a journey because it has been one! What I didn't expect was the how defensive she got as I spoke about my experiences. I also didn't expect the criticisms I would receive about whether I am doing this "healthily". I think the most confusing part was that she didn't believe that the way I lost weight was actually how I lost weight. Thing is, me sharing the details of this journey was never about giving advice. I've been there, I know how much it sucks to receive advice you weren't looking for. I wasn't expecting some applause, but at least some respect for my consistency and commitment to what I think has been a significant change to my life. This won't end the friendship by any means but has anyone else dealt with experiences like this?

Also what is it with the defensiveness over cutting out fruit juice? Is this a thing? I like fruit juice enough but it is very sugary and when I mentioned that I cut out sugary drinks including juice and I mainly drink water and coke zero, she looked like she was about to pass out.

Edit: also to add I never said fruit juice was unhealthy, just that I found it harder to lose weight with it being in the house!

submitted by /u/ratparty5000
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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