Friday, February 12, 2021

Completed one year of calorie counting

Past year weight: 70kg (154.3 lbs)

Goal weight: 55kg (121.2 lbs)

New year weight: 54.8kg (120.8 lbs)

Weight loss: 15.2kg (33.5 lbs)

Commitment duration: 1 year (

Time to reach the goal: 182 days (6 months)

Time to maintain the goal: 183 days (6 months)

Graph for weight every week:

Height: 165cm (5’5)

Gender: male (cisgender men)

Age: 19-24

Medical conditions: Diabetes type 1 (I have it since my childhood)

Challenges before starting losing weight:

• “its in my DNA even if I lost weight I will gain it again due to my metabolism” thoughts

• “i have tried it before and it didn't work” thoughts

• I don't know how to cock

• the fear of it affecting my diabetes

Encouragement before starting losing weight:

• if I gained this weight over 5 years then don't expect to lose it in one day, starting now is better.

• maintaining my weight now will better for my health

• it would be way cheaper to cock than to buy from McDonald or use online delivery.

Why calorie counting?:

• a systematic way to track what you eat

• gives you a sense of “calorieness” of a food without looking it up

• you will know what to eat and what to avoid and how much of each should you take

• you can track your exercise and see how many calories you have burned

• I can use it for tracking carbohydrates too for taking my insulin (diabetes stuff)

What do I need for calorie counting?:

• an app for scanning product bar code and getting nutritional information; such as app

• kitchen scale to measure food portions

How to calorie count?:

• scan the barcode or type the food you will eat in lose it app (you can create a recipe for a combination of food if you eat them regularly at the same meal)

• scale your food portion if it wasn't already placed in the app (a tuna can will have the same portion so you don't need to scale it)

• add the exact time of the meal (optional)

• For diabetics with GCM (glucose monitoring system): in sugarmate app you will find your meal synced and you will see the carb amount, add the appropriate insulin intake (optional)

How long does calorie counting take? 1-2 min if you do all the steps, 1min max if you ignored the optional steps.

Exercise before COVID: I did walk to the university and the lose it app tracks your steps and after reaching a certain number it will credit you extra calories.

Exercise after COVID: I used virtual reality headset (Oculus Quest) to play video games and have fun while exercising with YUR app which credits the calorie in the phone and lose it app picks it up

Diet generally:

Weekdays: 3 meals of healthy food a day

Weekends: satisfy the junky monster in you but with caution (chicken nuggets, fries, ice cream etc) cook them your self and scale them.

All week: water, water, and water. Get your self a 1-1.5L bottle next to you full of water.

How and when to weight:

• Only wear your underwear/bra as clothes can add a few kilograms of weight and give you an inaccurate measurement

• weight every week not every day (I chose every Friday), weight in the morning after going to the toilet since water/liquid can vary from day to day in your body.

• record your weight in the lose it app or in the health app


• My mind associated boredness with food; I started changing this habit by eating gums (sugar-free ones) and by making my self busy

• COVID and lockdown restrictions so no walking outside: I used VR headset to exercise instead

• some food are hard to count such as liquids (some scales store some liquid densities so you can scale some liquids such as milk) and recipes with a lot of ingredients, avoid those or buy your self a package with ingredient included with nutritional information to save you time.

• some food barcodes are not in the lose it app database so you would take time to put the information but it only needs to be done once

• you will need to stop ordering from restaurants that do not disclose their food calories

• some weeks you will gain weight, that is okay as long as the average trend is going downward

• for diabetes: sometimes you have to eat to avoid hypos, get your self a box full of small juice bottles in the fridge so you would just type the juice name in the lose it app

• for diabetes: exercising while bolus insulin is still taking effect might give you a hypo, check your sugar level after an hour or half an hour and void exercising after bolus, give your self an hour break.

• for diabetes: as you lose weight you will have to decrease the basal insulin.

Extra tips:

• eat slowly by using chopsticks and drinking water in between the food

• the more weight you have the easier it is to lose it

• some subscription services/stores provide ready meals or microwave meals which has the nutritional information included if you want to expand your food range

• ignore “it's my DNA” thoughts, if you were starving to death, your DNA can't keep you fat.

• don't choose unrealistic goal of losing 1kg (2.2 lbs) a week in lose it app, be patient and careful with your body, 1/2kg (1.1 lbs), or 3/4kg (1.6 lbs) can be a great start, then change it to 1/4 if you want to maintain it or lose it steadily. Losing a lot of weight in a short amount of time is not healthy.

• calorie counting using lose it app can be integrated with Apple or Google health apps so you can use other apps (or smart watches) to track your protein or your water intake which helps you understand your body needs and patterns.

Final notes: While I believe my experience can be replicated you should choose the diet you want. I didn't lose that much weight but I was able to maintain my goal weight for half of my diet duration so I would consider my experience successful. Considering my height, the weight loss had a noticeable impact on my body shape, now I have a flat stomach. From the data I have, controlling your food is more important than exercising. Exercise first to gain credits (calories) then use those calories to eat if you want, manage your calories as if you are saving up money, the more you save the more weight you lose.

If you have a question let me know, I will try to answer them to the best of my knowledge.

TLDR; calorie counting worked for me to reach my goal in 6 months and maintain it for another 6 months. It's not that hard to count calories it just requires you to build a habit and you would need to build/change eating habits anyway so calorie counting might be a great thing to include.

EDIT1: made it easier to read

submitted by /u/___HighLight___
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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