Thursday, February 18, 2021

I Just hit my First Goal Thanks to This Subreddit!

 December 31st 2020 I made the decision to lose all the extra weight this year. I weighed 238lbs (M19 6’). I ate as much junk as I could that night because I knew it would be my last time. (Probably not the best way to start off). My goal was to get a BMI under 30, which meant I needed to lose 17.5 pounds to reach 29.9 BMI. I started off by looking up tips for weight loss and I found this subreddit. Seeing all the amazing stories of people losing hundreds of pounds motivated me even more. All the positivity and encouragement really helped me as well. I began calorie counting, eating unprocessed foods, and exercising more. I just calculated and turns out I was eating almost 3000 calories a day before I started this! I eat from 1500-2000 a day now, depending on if I exercise. At some points, I thought it was extremely easy and insanely hard at the same time. One week I lost 4 pounds and the next I lost 0.5. Every time I felt like eating chocolate, I read a weight loss story on this sub. Every time I want soda I read about how bad it is. I can officially say I am chocolate, chip, and pop free for almost 7 weeks now! Today I weighed myself and it said 220.5. I started smiling and punched the numbers into the BMI calculator and there it was. 29.9. I made it! I’m finally in the ‘overweight’ category! And now, now, my new goal is the normal category. I need to lose almost 40 pounds. I would have never made it this far without you guys. I learned so much along the way and I will never stop fighting! 
submitted by /u/A_Simple_Potato_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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