Wednesday, February 17, 2021

I wonder if excitement and enthusiasm even matters ...

I'm so NOT excited about losing weight. I have lost it before, however, last March, and I know how it all works now ... and it's working again now that I am back to it, the difference is that last year I was super excited, and this year I am not excited AT ALL. You know what ? So far the results have been the same. Basically predictable weight loss, because all that matters is calories and consistency. I'm starting to think enthusiasm and motivation is really over rated. Not just in weight loss but in all things.

I'd much rather be excited like I was last year, eagerly waiting for every chance to weigh in, excited about progress, etc, .. maybe part of the reason I'm not very excited about it is because the weight I'm losing now is weight I gained back, so its like just taking it day by day to get back to where I was. But it is more than that .. even when I think about being the weight I was, even smaller, I just don't feel any excitement for it for some reason, I don't know why. It's like a chore, like mowing the lawn or something, where you just have to do it even though it isn't any fun.

I keep thinking I might feel differently about it after a few weeks, so far it has only been days, and I hope I feel more excited about it, I guess ?

Yet in a weird way it is also somewhat reassuring that you don't have to feel motivated, because motivation fades, excitement wears off, enthusiasm wanes, .. and in the end all that really seems to matter is that you just keep doing what you're supposed to be doing day after day, relentlessly.

submitted by /u/every_ounce
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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